
Meet the Captain of On The Rocks Charters Light Tackle Charter Boat

Captain Rene is a veteran of many years of
fishing in Rhode Island and on Narragansett Bay.



   My name is Capt. Rene Letourneau and I have over 40 years experience on Rhode Island Waters.  I started Fly Fishing as a youth, fishing for just pan fish and Bass. In 1970 I started fishing Narragansett Bay for Stripers.  I became a commercial Shell fisherman from 1976-1983 and currently run a Fly Fishing and Light Tackle Charter in many locations throughout the Rhode Island and Massachusetts shoreline.  I also enjoy teaching the art of Fly fishing to those who have never tried to fly fish before.

   I am a conservationist and believe in releasing the majority of the Bass caught on fishing trips.  Stripers have come back in a big way and we need to take steps to keep the stock strong for the future.

Captain Rene Letourneau

164 Evergreen St

Pawtucket Rhode Island 02861

401 359 3625

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